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The Jack of All Trades

I was told I could be good at anything
not warned it meant average at everything
People grow up, may be I grew down
on every chessboard but as a pawn
Being born a cluster of potential
meant so much more for me to waste
The rising star they all looked up to
who fell shooting down in a haste
There were so many boats to ride
I put my feet in all but heart in none
Shuffling again and again to find the same
Jack of all trades, master of none.

I had this picture perfect idea of me
painted gold with every medal I landed
every teacher and fortune teller so sure
a future set in stone waiting to be handed
I was my full-marks and my first prizes
my monitor badges and assembly applauses
my jumping years and too good for my peers
my school songs and their genuine cheers
my dance rehearsals, the needles and threads
my poems and speeches turning heads
my raising hands and stunned teachers
my voice familiar with the speakers.
Now I am this collage of embarrassments
everyday reminded to make amendments
I am my sleep and my struggling attendance
my applications of excuses minus the penance
my deafening silence in viva, rounds and interviews
my mediocrity too expected to be a news
my performance anxiety, my shaking hands and voice
my permanently zoned out self, a lack of poise
my hoarse voice, my flat and shaky notes
my words diluted into captions as quotes
my forgotten steps on youtube with hidden comments
my disappearing self in groups and events
my backbenches and my tables for one
my head too afraid to look up from the phone
a tutorial of what not to do, who not to be
a jack of all trades, master of none.

I see how you look at me and roll your eyes
a waste of time and space, no lack of surprise
an empty void to squander your lessons and advice
a lesser being among your ranks in disguise
You know you see through my silence and stares
into a broken machine too proud to accept repairs
you need to remind me with your sharpest sting
the prophecy that I will never amount to anything
you feel the responsibility to save the society
from someone so unaware of their notoriety
I see it all, every eyeroll, scoff and frown
absorb it all onto a sea of disapprovals to drown
I know better than anyone that I am a liability
aware of my lack of impression and desirability
I have known this the longest of us all
been the witness to every inch of my downfall
and its the hardest for me knowing who I was
who I could have been and was meant to be
than to you who never had anything to expect
my heights in a potential future you never got to see
You want to save me from my own delusion
save from me your society, your institution
while I am my harshest critic fully aware
that I am a jack of all trades, master of none

Somehow I don't want to remove myself from here
somehow I don't want to listen to that voice and disappear
somehow I want to be in denial of this person so bereft
somehow I want to believe in that 0.000001% of myself I have left
I know I should give up and should have a long time ago
should have shoved my average self into a pit down below
I should be wrapped in my blanket, feeling numb to a sad song
yet somehow I still want to prove you wrong
because there are a thousand things I am bad at
and yet those are a thousand things I want to do
so many versions of me failing at so many things
turning around and finding even more to pursue
I know I am shameless but I don't know how else to be
I can't help but grasp at every possibility I can see
I can't get a hold of my imaginations as they run wild
because deep down I still feel like that gifted child
I return home from shedding tears to your comment
and somehow I still seem to have this little ambition left
Don't know how to get rid of it or I would have ages ago
I know I belong in the dark and yet I desire to glow
I lost my charger a long time ago yet this battery wouldn't die
my wings are withered and dusted yet I wish to fly
I take leaps and leaps of faith even when I fall each time
I run out of big words but I don't lose the desire to rhyme
I wipe my tears and my blood and my scars
I try so hard not to but end up shooting for the stars
I know I will never be the best at anything
yet somehow I try to be better everyday
The masters of every trade make me feel like an imposter
yet I'm shameless enough to let the jack stay and fester

I wish I could grant you your wish
I wish I could disappear somewhere you wouldn't miss
I wish I would learn my limits and not grasp at everything
I wish my overambition would make a sound as you squish
I wish I could give up on everything and focus on just one thing
focus on study and not miserably try to write and dance and sing
I wish I could put my all into being a Gyarados
instead of a Magikarp everywhere just taking a swing
but I have so many things I want to love
so many roles to play, so many paths to stroll
it would be just so unjust
to take pieces of me, try and make them whole
I cannot for the love of me be someone perfect
when I feel the happiest laughing at and with my flaws
I have so many things I want to fail but dry trying
it wouldn't be fair to confine myself in your monotonous claws
So what if you may never understand me, never accept me
and what if you see my guts and can't help but pity and hate me
I tried the same for years and decades and eons
but I end up consciously doing my best to overestimate me
What if I want to be a waste of space across many dimensions
instead of taking up a little one and living upto expectations
What if I find this jumbled up montage of myself entertaining
than giving in to a boring slideshow of obligations
And what if you'll never understand me for not seeing this mess
if you want me to increase my pace running behind success
if you want me to untie my shoes and step outside the track
and not see I'm not even trying to win this race
You want me to know what little time I have and make use
when I want to divide it to pieces and gift them to each version of me
You want me to tie my hair with a ribbon and stare at your words
when I want to let it loose and let it flow where it wants to be
What if when you're all said and done
you frequently make me want to give up and run
but what if I'm here and I choose to stay
Be a jack of all trades than master of one


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