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She scares the shit out of you.....

 You saw her from afar

A literal Sunshine!

Oh how mesmerized you were!

A perfect picture to hang on your wall

One of everyone and yet so different from them all

Oh what a surprise you'd immediately fall 

for the only girl who could hand you an "L"

She who understood the references and laughed at them with you

She who loved the game and wore the same color as you

A name somehow on everyone's lips

one yours would sound perfect next to

You saw a feed with colors so bright

Happy, cool, savage, taking things light

Eager to reach places you too dream of

Oh wasn't she a magnificent sight!

She could scream in key to that classic rock song

lowered her pitch to sing "Smelly cat" along

She who couldn't keep her feet on the ground

to the dull beats everyone else danced around

Once peeked at the world through books and movies

and had no intention of being homebound

She could sing, dance, write and speak her heart

So much potential to add to your cart!

Her hopes and dreams and positivity

"Oh she's the perfect girl for me!"

But she knew herself better than you ever could

warned you before you dug deeper in the wood

You are fooled because you are pulled to her

She'll push you far off even faster

She has flaws that can't be loved by you

One day she'll scare the shit out of you.

You chose to came close

you had been warned

As you zoomed in on her picture

the pixels all blurred

You could now she all her ups and downs

may be not very fond of the latter

That Mona Lisa you had in mind

was all but a frame, bound to shatter

She had a past and it had its ghosts

Oh1 Who would have known!

Sadness came to her like the usual breeze

often out of proportion it'd be blown

She'd often sing songs too cheesy for you

her bookshelf was but a "To Be Read"

So many restrictions to her travel plans

a thousand more limitations in her head

A jack of all those trades you signed up for

Not enough faith in herself to become the master

A storm too gloomy and damp for you

A hectic journey no-one brought the map to

You had no clue what you were supposed to do

With more personalities than the one that shined on you

You were fooled because you were pulled to her

She pushed you far off even faster

She has flaws that can't be loved by you

She finally scared the shit out of you.

You had been warned

and yet you knocked on that door

Stood out in the rain as it got cold

And how could that not melt her?

How could she not trust you with herself

when you were so full of promises?

How could she close the door at your face

when you seemed like the only one who'd stay?

So she opened the doors to you

let you into the mansion you dreamed of

But all you saw was a haunted house

her webs suddenly too suffocating

so much darkness you could hardly keep up

So you ran off faster than you walked in

full of horror, all disgusted and shocked

Leaving her waiting at the door

she'd only dared to open because you knocked.

Tonight you saw her again 

after years of that faded shattered image in your head

but she didn't seem broken at all

in fact so perfect and brand new, it could fool you to fall

And you wonder what has changed

if its all just an illusion

Did she really get rid of her flaws?

If this time she's really the one?

You wonder what has changed...


Oh if only you were to know that

Would you be impressed, or would it break you apart?

Every night she goes through a storm

but comes out a sun that has always shone

She lives bound by a chain of rules

and everyday she breaks a new one

The ghosts of her past never leave her

but every breath she takes scares them instead

Her feet tremble, she stops for air ever so often

and yet she keeps on moving up ahead

She seeks comfort in her grayscale room

steps out burning in all shades of red

All her breakdowns and inferiority complex

couldn't stop her from raising her hands and head

You saw her hands shake and turn to ice

but did you not see her walk up to the stage anyway?

You were disgusted by the doubts that clouded her

and yet you were the one with no guts to stay

But now you see her thrive

despite all her anxiety and insecurity

She always bloomed with all this behind her

you saw her baggage but not her strength in carrying it, what a pity!

And yet you wonder what is new

when she was always this

She is the hurricane and the sunshine

she is your ignorance and her bliss

All she needed was someone brave enough to want it all

someone who'd take off with her knowing the risk of the fall

And after seeing so many of you run away

the bravest thing to do was for that someone to be her.

She was a fool to think you were pulled to her

when all you wanted was an impossible perfect picture

You made her and yourself believe she pushed you away

when it was you who was too intimidated to get closer

Turns out she could be loved, now who's to blame?

And not despite her flaws, but in fact with each of them

All her darkness couldn't stop her light from blinding you

Now doesn't that scare the shit out of you?


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